WVLDI Supporters, please find below our biannual report to the AVMA Board of Directors given in March 2016. The executive summary of the report is pasted below; however, the report in its entirety is available for download below. Thank you for your support!
Executive Summary
In January 2016, the WVLDI started the year with generous support from the AVMA for administrative functions and support. We also announced that Merial became our first-ever Platinum Sponsor with a generous donation of $20,000.
Support and momentum continue to build. The WVLDI is now being asked to partner with many veterinary groups across the country to provide programming, facilitate networking, and serve as keynote addresses at meetings. The AVMA benefits from its partnership support of the WVLDI by becoming highly visible in efforts to move women into important leadership roles, provide on-going leadership development, and develop relationships across the profession.
Significant milestones achieved since the last report to the AVMA Board of Directors includes:
- Launch of a re-developed and visually attractive web site
- Consolidation of two Facebook groups into one widely utilized Facebook Group
- Creation and selection of a Veterinary Student Director who now serves on our Board of Directors
- Establishment of the administrative support functions provided by key AVMA staff members (Dr. Beth Sabin and Ms. Jodie Taggett)
- Full development of highly successful networking events in multiple venues
In this report, you will see the far-reaching effects of the Initiative with invitations for us to participate in exciting events, our work to build leadership training programs, collaborations with other veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary schools, and special recognition for our work for diversity.
The WVLDI would also like to recognize the hard work and dedication of Dr. Beth Sabin and Ms. Jodie Taggett on behalf of our goals, vision, and mission.