Career Opportunities
See the following listings for volunteer and job options in veterinary medicine.
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Available Positions from WVLDI Sponsors
Explore endless possibilities for career advancement through the job boards from our amazing sponsors!
Please click on the link below to access our sponsor’s job boards for job opportunities.

Available Positions
Clinical Faculty in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
The Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine seeks candidates for a clinical faculty position in the field of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery.
The position includes a 70% or 90% clinical commitment to the Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Other responsibilities include teaching, professional competence, creative scholarship, and service.
The current base pay range is $168,100 –$243,300. Other components of pay may be offered when necessary to meet competitive conditions, qualifications, and experience.
Qualifications: DVM or equivalent degree and ACVS or ECVS board certification, or DVM or equivalent degree and completed or currently enrolled in an accredited ACVS/ECVS residency program. Expected completion of an ACVS or ECVS approved residency is required by October 2025. The successful candidate will have documented clinical experience and competence in small animal soft tissue surgery, aptitude and experience in or interest in clinical and didactic teaching, and a record of creative scholarship or potential for scholarship. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are required to join our collaborative team.
For fullest consideration, please review the full position description, which provides guidance on application requirements, and apply here:
The deadline for full consideration is October 5, 2024, although applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
A global leader in veterinary medicine with a mission to advance the health of animals, people, and the environment, the School of Veterinary Medicine has a rich history of educating veterinarians and veterinary scientists, discovering new knowledge through a robust and progressive research enterprise, and setting the standards in animal health care. Faculty are the heart of UC Davis Veterinary Medicine.
UC Davis is ranked 6th nationally among public universities and its faculty are internationally renowned for their distinguished academic achievements. The School of Veterinary Medicine is ranked 1st nationally and the VMTH has one of the most diverse, robust caseloads of any academic veterinary health center in the world. The campus is adjacent to the city of Davis (population 70,000), 14 miles west of Sacramento (the capital of California), 45 miles northeast of Napa Valley, 72 miles northeast of San Francisco and 110 miles southwest of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra.
AVMA Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in getting involved with WVLDI?
There may be many areas available: board service, social media contribution, student outreach, speakers bureau, fundraisers, sponsorships, and mentorships.
So if you have an interest in getting involved with WVLDI, please contact us using our form, and let us know what you are interested in and what immediate skills you can bring to the table!

Donate to Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative
Thank you for your support! The Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative is an official 501c3 organization. Voluntary contributions enable us to allocate our resources most efficiently, where they will do the greatest possible good in helping to promote women into leadership roles in veterinary medicine.